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 Biddle   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. John C. Biddle, 73, of Elburn, 40 miles west of Chicago, said the skull was found five years ago while the family was digging a pond in a swampy area.
    2. Sailors aboard the USS Biddle, a guided missile cruiser, voted by absentee ballot three weeks ago in Alexandria, Va.
    3. Mr. Biddle tells of the pattern makers who are now designers.
    4. "Anything we do will be legal," said Laytner, who carried a letter from former U.S. Ambassador Angier Biddle Duke, a committee director, identifying him as its representative.
    5. Bozell will handle the jewelry chain's Bailey Banks & Biddle and Gordon's stores, as well as other stores not operating under the Zale name, with total billings of about $25 million.
    6. Last week, Nick Biddle got a reply to his message, from a 60-year-old Briton who found the broken bottle on a beach in southern Wales.
    7. "To me, certain names have always suggested specific images," wrote Sydney Biddle Barrows in her book, "The Mayflower Madam."
    8. In January 1901, Mrs. Soffel, the wife of the jail's warden, engineered the escape of handsome Jack and Ed Biddle, who were awaiting the hangman for murder.
    9. Biddle said he chose to plea bargain after he talked to an attorney who told him it would cost $1,500 in attorney's fees and he might be fined up to $2,000 and sentenced to two years in jail if convicted.
    10. Biddle got behind the wheel of the Orange County Transit District bus Wednesday and put it in gear, pulling away with 31 passengers and leaving the driver at the side of the road, authorities said.
    11. LaserPhotos DHA1, boarding team from USS Biddle speeds across Red Sea to interdict Greek container ship; DHA2, sailor stands watch shortly after boarding party begins interdiction of Greek ship.
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