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 Belgium ['bɛldʒɪəm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 比利时

  1. Belgium has been called the cockpit of Europe.
  2. France knocked Belgium out (of the European Cup).
  3. A town of central Belgium near Brussels. Napoleon met his final defeat in the Battle of Waterloo(June18, 1815).

[ noun ]
a monarchy in northwestern Europe; headquarters for the European Union and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

  1. The sharpest impact could come in Britain, where women get full retirement benefits at age 60 while men must wait until 65. Pension plans in Belgium, Greece and Portugal also may have to be rewritten.
  2. A survey I have conducted shows that this view is not remarkably widespread - largely, perhaps, because Belgium is a kingdom. Nevertheless, the arrest of Pineau-Valencienne does lead to consideration of another astounding coincidence.
  3. He said that Manufacturers already has reduced its presence in such countries as Belgium, Luxembourg and Greece.
  4. The decision to end the relationship followed a divergence of interest between Laporte and Solvay. While Laporte has shifted, over the past decade to high-value low volume products, Solvay, Belgium's largest company, has concentrated on bulk products.
  5. Belgium, June CPI (up 2.6 per cent on year).
  6. Claes joined Islamic leaders in urging Moslems in Belgium to remain calm.
  7. Such an eventuality would provide the most unexpected and welcome encouragement to neutralists and unilateralists who in Holland, Belgium, West Germany and Britain lost the game and were proved wrong.
  8. Belgium's other big retail chains, Groupe GIB and Colruyt N.V., also are expected to outpace the market in the quarter. GIB announced late last month a better-than-expected 1990 profit rise of 14%.
  9. The French company increased its shareholding by acquiring an option to buy a 7.5% holding in Sun Life currently owned by Belgium's Groupe AG.
  10. The matter will also not be taken up at a bilateral meeting of ministers taking place in Brussels Friday because the U.S. and EEC agriculture negotiators had to stay in Montreal longer than expected and did not get to Belgium in time.
  11. Maurice Lippens, chairman of Belgium's largest insurance company, Groupe AG, and spokesman for the Franco-Belgian consortium, said he isn't worried about the possibility of the group breaking up.
  12. He has called on countries such as France and Belgium to take advantage of the looser ERM arrangements to cut interest rates and promote economic recovery. In Brussels, the Commission is pinning its hopes on the European Monetary Institute.
  13. The episodes in Belgium and Switzerland were not, although shareholders will be relieved Blenheim realised its mistake quickly.
  14. American Cometra is a unit of Cometra Oil Co., also of Belgium.
  15. Ten years ago: General Alexander M. Haig Jr., supreme commander of NATO forces, escaped an attempt on his life in Casteau, Belgium, when a remote-controlled bomb exploded beneath a small bridge as Haig's limousine passed over it.
  16. In all sectors, Belgium is affected by the same malaise which has struck across Europe.
  17. New statistics show an annual death rate from road accidents of 45 people per 100,000 vehicles in Belgium.
  18. The merged operation made Grand Met, with 1,550 betting shops in Britain and Ireland and 400 in Belgium, the second-largest force in licensed bookmaking in Britain, after Ladbroke Group PLC.
  19. Rugby Group has sold Vertal, its French glass processing business, to Glaverbel of Belgium for Pounds 5m cash. Rugby said Vertal had been operating in increasingly difficult market conditions and was no longer regarded as a core business.
  20. Belgium's two biggest holding companies will receive the equivalent of about $16 million in the form of cash and a 7.4% stake in Contibel Holdings PLC.
  21. The paper said a Browning 9mm automatic pistol manufactured in Belgium was taken from the captured gunman.
  22. The future of NATO depends on the alliance's ability to deal with our enduring security concerns, and our evolving economic relationship, We look to Belgium to continue to play its important role in our close, and cooperative transatlantic partnership.
  23. In Belgium, PRB last year registered a loss on continuing operations of about three billion Belgian francs ($79.7 million).
  24. However, the region of Nord-Pas de Calais, for all its links with Kent and neighbouring Belgium (or because of such links), voted against the treaty. Earlier opinion polls had showed serious gains by the No campaign in the Paris region.
  25. Late in May, Bush went to Italy, stopped in Brussels, Belgium for a NATO summit, and traveled to West Germany and Britain.
  26. Italian investor Carlo De Benedetti has increased his holdings in Societe Generale de Belgique SA by 3.53 percent, but it was not known if his alliance held a majority stake in Belgium's largest holding company, officials said Tuesday.
  27. Also, many traveled outside Belgium to have abortions.
  28. The report said the plane from the state-owned TAAG company's fleet was en route from Ostend, Belgium, to the Angolan capital, Luanda, and was to land in Lagos to refuel.
  29. A police spokesman said while striptease is not illegal in Belgium, Staller overstepped the bounds of decency when she left the night club stage and began mingling with the audience.
  30. Bush is to spend the night of Dec. 3 on the Belknap and fly to Brussels, Belgium, the next day to report to NATO allies on the talks.
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