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 B超 [B chāo添加此单词到默认生词本
type-B ultrasonic

  1. B超或CT导向下经皮穿刺活检,或在胸腔镜直视下多处活检有确诊价值。
    B ultrasound or CT-guided percutaneous biopsy or thoracoscopic biopsy under direct vision of multiple diagnostic value.
  2. 辅助科室配备有:收费处、药房、输液室、急救室、小手术室、化验室、心电图室、腹部B超室、放射科、脑电图室。
    We have all the necessary facilities as well, such as Cashier's office, pharmacy, transfusion room, emergency room, mini operating room, laboratory, the electrocardiogram room, B ultrasonic room, X-ray room, the electroencephalogram room.
  3. 特需门诊常年为3-18岁的健康儿童进行查体,查体包括:内、外科、眼科及五官科,辅助检查包括:血常规、肝功、乙肝五项、腹部B超及心电图检查。
    The Special Consultation Clinic has the service of physical check-up for the healthy children around 3-18 years old as our routines, such as internal medicine, surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology, and some examinations and tests: blood-test, hepatic function, five items of hepatitis B, B ultrasonic of abdomen, and cardiogram.

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