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 Avalon   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. So in a dance studio Thursday night, remembering the glory days, they practiced their jitterbugs and coffee-grinding and listened to Bobby Darin, Frankie Avalon and Neil Sedaka.
    2. Avalon and 10 other native Philadelphian entertainers will be honored at the $150-a-plate dinner.
    3. Avalon, 48, was born Francis Thomas Avallone in south Philadelphia.
    4. Monarch Avalon Inc. said it omitted its fourth-quarter dividend of 3.5 cents a share, which was to have been paid in July, because of disappointing operating results.
    5. The singer refers to the way love used to be as Avalon.
    6. "This is the first time for her to go out and do live concerts, and she loves it," said Avalon, adding he and the former Mickey Mouse Club star have remained close friends through the years.
    7. An array of celebrities _ including yesteryear rock 'n' roll stars Fabian, Frankie Avalon and Bobby Rydell _ took part in the gala benefit performance to help raise money for the theater's endowment fund.
    8. We can't let them know we just signed Frankie Avalon,"' he said.
    9. Q. Why is "Back to Avalon" your first solo album in three years? A. I was asking myself that the other day.
    10. Avalon holds a 16% stake, or 9.8 million shares, in TMOC Resources, as well as 2.6 million TMOC Resources convertible notes.
    11. I'd much rather shape the look to the individual film." In "Avalon," he said, certain details demanded to be examined closely.
    12. In New York Stock Exchange composite trading yesterday, Avalon closed at $5.25, up 12.5 cents.
    13. Avalon Corp. directors adopted an anti-takeover plan for the oil and gas exploration and production company.
    14. In addition, Joseph M. Alfano, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Avalon, was named a director, increasing board membership to six.
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