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    1. Torleiv Anda, 68, retired from diplomatic service last summer after having served in Israel since 1984.
    2. Neither ship suffered serious damage, said Major Geir Anda, of the Norwegian Northern Defense Command.
    3. "May 3 and 4 are going to be very hot days," said Anda Anspoka of the pro-independence Latvian People's Front, which won a majority in the Supreme Soviet in elections held in March.
    4. "Little by little, I had to turn completely around in my conceptions about Israel and its form of democracy," the Oslo newspaper Aftenposten quoted Anda as saying in an interview.
    5. Chief Judge James De Anda said the Jayneses had breached a covenant not to compete with Meineke; they operated a muffler shop within a year of breaking away from the Charlotte, N.C., franchiser.
    6. "We've seen that risk-taking behavior varies a lot," said Dr. Robert Anda, a specialist in health risks with the Atlanta-based CDC.
    7. Ambassador Torleiv Anda apologized after he was summoned to the Foreign Ministry and met with the ministry's political director-general, Yossi Beilin.
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