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 Amanda [ə'mændə]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Outside a shelter for the homeless, though, pictures drawn by children showed some youngsters had hope for the future. Ten-year-old Amanda Charnas of Santa Cruz drew the Earth, flowers sprouting from a crack and a rainbow nearby.
    2. But there are two bright sides to "True Blue," although it must be said its debut wastes guest star Amanda Plummer in a role of few lines and many squints as your basic Anglo-Saxon female member of your basic Middle East terrorist cell.
    3. But this is CBS, so he has to go to a secret government lab and become the subject of tests by Tina McGee, a lovely, widowed scientist played by Amanda Pays (Pays can act, and thus stands out here).
    4. Her daughter Amanda, six years old, came up with the name "Mom's Best." Dad, Don McCammon, ran the business.
    5. Paul Newman watched his wife, Joanne Woodward, and Karen Allen play Amanda and Laura, respectively, in two different stage productions of "The Glass Menagerie."
    6. Lee Boggess behaved like a strange bird; Amanda Britton drew unexpected shapes; other dancers ran, posed, were caught up in a secret world of games and relationships.
    7. No later Amanda -not even the wonderful Kay Hammond - could invest the lines with quite the degree of murderous innuendo conveyed by Gertrude Lawrence.
    8. The girls were well-contrasted - Martine Mahe's pulsating, trouser-suited Dorabella next to Amanda Roocroft's pretty-doll Fiordiligi.
    9. When asked about women's rights, a peasant woman in the rural south asked, "What is that?" "We are trying to change the level of consciousness," said Lea Guido, head of the Luisa Amanda Espinoza Association of Nicaraguan Women.
    10. In Britain, evacuee Amanda Ling, 21, said she had been in Tiananmen when the massacre began.
    11. This Tennessee Williams play is so awful that even Elizabeth Ashley, acting at a full gallop, and Amanda Plummer, somewhat less frantic, cannot save it.
    12. Why do we need Griff Rhys Jones to introduce Mel Smith to introduce Amanda Donohoe to introduce the winner of the award for Best Supporting Actress?
    13. Amanda, who is in kindergarten, does the cutting and sorting.
    14. The lawsuit seeks $100 million for Pinzon, $1.5 million for his son, $1 million for his 28-year-old wife, Amanda; and $100 million in punitive damages.
    15. Natasha Richardson, Hugh Grant, James Wilby, and Amanda Donohoe are just some of the classically schooled young English talents who work mostly on screen.
    16. Actress Amanda Blake, who as Miss Kitty reigned for 19 years as the queen of Dodge City's Long Branch Saloon in the TV series "Gunsmoke," died after a long battle with cancer. She was 60.
    17. Amanda Rhodes suffered a broken arm and cuts when she was blown 10 to 15 yards.
    18. PIeces by Mark Morris, Christopher Bruce, Amanda Miller were all welcome, and found the company in cracking form. Rambert Dance Company produced a lot of new choreography, and lost Richard Alston as director.
    19. He is seen most often with actress Amanda Pays.
    20. At Monday's Pardon Board hearing, Byrne was described by defense attorneys Amanda Potterfield and Nancy Baumgartner as a sensitive, articulate jailhouse poet who helped other inmates write letters to loved ones.
    21. He says repro houses are on a par with film sets. Future Systems, the company he runs with Amanda Levete, has recently designed a four-level house in Islington, north London, with two solid walls and roof and two glass walls.
    22. Amanda Grantham-Hill, an economist at Baring Brothers & Co. in London, said she believes that rising wage inflation combined with signs of increasing industrial unrest will add to the currency's woes.
    23. Christer Bladin's Tamino was prone to sing flat, Amanda Halgrimson's Queen of the Night cleared the hurdles with little to spare and Michael Vier - not a natural comedian - showed that Papageno just cannot fail.
    24. On Tuesday, Amanda McKerrow and John Gardner danced company dancer Clark Tippet's latest work, the 25-minute duet "Some Assembly Required."
    25. "Unless Amanda was misleading the Court of Appeals, its offer is over." But High Voltage officials said only that they were reviewing their options.
    26. Since then, there has been a slowdown, particularly mid-week, but Amanda hopes for better business after Easter. There have been unforeseen problems, of course.
    27. "Dukakis is too vague and very undecided on what he would take a chance on," said Amanda Fuller, a Santa Fe law student and Democrat in her late 50s.
    28. The Underworld is a subway station, the Flatbush Avenue Express roaring past. True to form, Odysseus (Ron Cook) is wily and Penelope (Amanda Harris) faithful; their qualities are challenged by an assortment of rejuvenated Homeric figures around them.
    29. "Amanda and I have been so close and shared so much.
    30. Yet she's the girl next door compared with Lydia, the klutzy girl of Parry's dreams, played sweetly bizarre by Amanda Plummer.
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