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 Aloes 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a purgative made from the leaves of aloe

    Aloe \Al"oe\ ([a^]l"n[-o]), n.; pl. {Aloes} (-[=o]z). [L.
    alo["e], Gr. 'alo`h, aloe: cf. OF. aloe, F. alo[`e]s.]
    1. pl. The wood of the agalloch. [Obs.] --Wyclif.

    2. (Bot.) A genus of succulent plants, some classed as trees,
    others as shrubs, but the greater number having the habit
    and appearance of evergreen herbaceous plants; from some
    of which are prepared articles for medicine and the arts.
    They are natives of warm countries.

    3. pl. (Med.) The inspissated juice of several species of
    aloe, used as a purgative. [Plural in form but
    syntactically singular.]

    {American aloe}, {Century aloe}, the agave. See {Agave}.

    aloes \aloes\ n.
    a purgative made from the leaves of aloe. Same as {aloe[3]}.

    Syn: bitter aloes
    [WordNet 1.5]

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