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 Algonkian   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    1. a member of a North American Indian people in the Ottawa river valley of Ontario and Quebec

    2. <noun.person>
    3. the Algonquian language spoken by the Algonkian

    4. <noun.communication>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to an Algonquian tribe or its people or language

    2. <adj.pert>

    Algonkian \Al*gon"ki*an\, a.
    1. Var. of {Algonquian}.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    2. (Geol.) Pertaining to or designating a period or era
    recognized by the United States Geological Survey and some
    other authorities, between the Arch[ae]an and the
    Paleozoic, from both of which it is generally separated in
    the record by unconformities. Algonkian rocks are both
    sedimentary and igneous. Although fossils are rare, life
    certainly existed in this period. -- n. The Algonkian
    period or era, or system or group of systems.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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