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    1. Some of those shares may be bought on the open market, but Rodamco plans to issue at least nine million new shares to ABP on March 1. Those shares are to be bought at the net asset value as of Feb. 29, the end of Rodamco's fiscal year.
    2. Next to ABP's south Wales docks office a new hotel is planned, together with an opera house, the design for which is now being selected from a shortlist of eight.
    3. Institutions would like to get the two major schemes in Cardiff Bay, but ABP is not giving up its jewels. The next round of development is not as far away as some might think, according to Mr Kelly.
    4. Although ABP's long-term quality is not in doubt, the company is in a holding situation. Neither its high borrowings nor interest costs can come down without significant property sales, which look unlikely in the current market.
    5. In December, ABP, the Dutch civil servants pension fund, said it would invest Pounds 770m in Rodamco at net asset value.
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