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 通量线 添加此单词到默认生词本
line of flux

  1. 在地景图像里,一条通量线的消失或其他拓扑的改变,就代表一个翻越山脊进入低谷的量子跃迁。
    In the landscape picture, the disappearance of a flux line or other change of topology is a quantum jump over a mountain ridge into a lower valley.
  2. 那么我就能名正言顺地,用R上的某个函数的二重积分来替代通量线积分。
    Then I can actually -- --replace the line integral for flux by a double integral over R of some function.
  3. 平面中的通量和空间中的通量有很大区别,在平面中,通量仅仅是线积分的另一种形式,而在空间中,它表现为曲面积分。
    Flux looks quite different in the plane and in space because, in the plane, it is just another kind of line integral, while in space it is a surface integral.

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