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 自动化设计 添加此单词到默认生词本
[自] automated design
[自] automation design

  1. 自动化设计和构造工具能做什么?
    What do automated design and construction tools do?
  2. 在产品仍在变化之中的时候试图自动化设计将是非常不切实际的,因为它将涉及大量自动化重复工作。
    Trying to automate design while the product was still changing would have been highly impractical because of all the automation rework it would have involved.
  3. 软件架构师和开发者依靠自动化设计和构造工具,来快速地把业务需求转变成他们可以测试,验证,并部署的有形组件。
    Software architects and developers rely on automated design and construction tools to rapidly transform business requirements into tangible components that they can test, validate, and deploy.

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