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 绝对收敛性 [jué duì shōu liǎn xìng添加此单词到默认生词本
absolute convergence

  1. 定理9(可交换定理)绝对收敛级数经改变响的位置后构成的级数也收敛,且与原级数有相同的和(即绝对收敛级数具有可交换)。
    Theorem 9 (Rearrangement Theorem) The terms of an absolutely convergent series can be rearranged without affecting either the convergence or the sum of the series.
  2. 留学解答资讯网:交错级数是高等数学中的重要内容之一,对于交错级数的敛散判别法的研究,一般仅涉及了莱布尼兹判别法,而莱布尼兹判别法具有一定的局限,它无法直接判断出交错级数是绝对收敛还是条件收敛
    Alternating series of higher mathematics is one of the important contents for staggered series convergence of the Criterion research, in general only the Leibniz Discrimination Act, and Leibniz Discrimination Act has certain limitations, it can not directly determine staggered series is absolutely convergent or conditional convergence.

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