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 箭舌豌豆 添加此单词到默认生词本
vicia sativa

  1. 电镜观察结果表明,幼龄箭舌豌豆根瘤侵染细胞的细胞质较少,中央是一些体积较大的液泡。
    The infected cells in young Vicia sativa root nodules possess a small amount of cytoplasm, their central parts are some larger vacuoles.
  2. 本文应用简单相关系数和通径分析方法对箭舌豌豆品种的几个主要性状与单株产量的关系进行了分析。
    The relations between the major characters of Vicia sativa and its yield per plant were analysed by using simple correlated coefficient and path analysis.
  3. 箭舌豌豆根瘤为杆形,主要由皮层细胞和一个体积很大,含有分生组织、侵染组织,有时还有衰老组织的中心区域所组成。
    Vicia sativa root nodule is usually rod-shaped, it is mainly composed of many cortex cells and a very large central zone which contains meristem, infected tissue and senescent tissue.

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