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 简化数据 [jiǎn huà shù jù添加此单词到默认生词本
reducible data
reduced data

  1. 第三个作用就是简化数据库内对象的时间戳。
    The third is simply the time stamping of objects in the database.
  2. 文章提出一种崭新的F口设计,它有效地简化数据交互方式,很好地实现了集中控制,同时处理效率很高。
    The paper brings forward a new design of F port. It effectively simplifies data exchange,and realizes central controlling with high efficiency.
  3. 将B样条小波多尺度分解的思想应用于数字高程模型(DEM)建模中,可以较好的简化数据并提高造型逼真效果。
    The elevation date from vector contour and B-spline surface can apply to DEM,so this paper set forth the theory of B-spline wavelet multi-scale decomposition on them.

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