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 禁线 [jìn xiàn添加此单词到默认生词本
[光][天] forbidden line

  1. 利用干涉成像光谱技术被动探测上层大气风场所使用的光源主要是氧线极光。
    To detect wind field in the upper atmosphere passive methods was used with imaging interferometer technique the main source is O(Ⅰ, Ⅱ) forbidden aurora.
  2. “现在我正以总统的身份跨越这条禁线。”就在跨越之前,卢先生表情严肃地向一家全国电视媒体说到。
    "I am now crossing this forbidden line as a president, " a solemn Mr Roh said in a nationally televised message just before stepping across.
  3. 本文对物质密度和辐射密度对戒谱线强度的影响进行了讨论,解释了通常实验室条件下戒谱线不出现的原因。
    The influence of the material density and radiant density on the strength of the forbidden spectra is considered.

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