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 社会哲学 添加此单词到默认生词本
social philosophy

  1. 在晚年,他开始阐释他的社会哲学,写了许多书籍。
    In his later years he took to explaining his social philosophy and wrote a number of books.
  2. 作为经济学家与社会哲学家的罗斯巴德,《人、经济与国家》的脚注尤其值得你仔细的研究,以完全理解其惊人的博学。
    The footnotes in Man, Economy and State demand very careful study to get a full sense of the amazing range of Rothbard's learning as an economist and social philosopher.
  3. 思想在它那最幽暗的深处起伏翻腾,社会哲学,面对这种受过烙刑而又顽抗的谜语似的俗话,不能不作最沉痛的思考。
    Thought is moved in its most sombre depths, social philosophy is bidden to its most poignant meditations, in the presence of that enigmatic dialect at once so blighted and rebellious.

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