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 硼氢化钾 [péng qīng huà jiǎ添加此单词到默认生词本
PBH(potassium borohydride)

  1. 硼氢化钾的还原作用的认识更加全面。
    A better understanding of the effect was achieved in this paper.
  2. 使用硼氢化钾处理粗山梨醇,能够降低山梨醇的还原糖含量,提高了产品质量;
    The treatment of raw sorbierite using potassium borohydride can decrease the content level of reducing sugar and raise the product quality.
  3. 以水合肼和硼氢化钾为共还原剂制备了多元合金催化剂,将其用于乙腈催化加氢反应制乙胺。
    A multi-metal alloy catalyst for hydrogenation of acetonitrile to ethylamine was prepared using hydrazine hydrate and potassium borohydride as the co- reductant .

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