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 盒子结构 添加此单词到默认生词本
box-shaped structure

  1. 这个项目的整体设计采用包含着空间单元的砖盒子结构
    The overall design concept was based on the box-of-bricks principle consisting of spatial units.
  2. 钢筋混凝土盒子结构是一种多约束的空间薄壁结构
    The reinforcement concrete box module is a kind of space thin-walled structure with many constraints.
  3. 盒子结构建筑代表着建筑工业化的一个重要的发展方向,它可以大幅度缩短工期,提高效率,并有可能创造新颖的建筑形式。
    Factory made module represents an important aspect of construction industrialization. It can greatly reduce construction time, improve efficiency, and can probably create new architecture form.

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