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 皓月当空 [hào yuè dāng kōng添加此单词到默认生词本
The bright moon hung high in the sky [air].
A bright moon is shining in the sky.
The round, snow-white moon suspended in the sky.
the bright moon in the sky

  1. 皓月当空,我们却从未听到月亮的步履。
    We never hear the footsteps of moon when it appears on the sky.
  2. 皓月当空,静影沉璧,海湾在珠光闪烁之中愈显深邃。
    Haorudangkong, Jing Ying Shen Choi, in the Gulf of Pearly flashing markedly effective profound.
  3. 皓月当空的晚上,老子看经峰身披月色,仿佛在不知疲倦地犹在读经。
    Haoyuedangkong night, I look at the peak wearing moonlight, as if tirelessly still ringing in the classics.

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