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 白面书生 添加此单词到默认生词本
an inexperienced youth
a young scholar

  1. 那可有啥办法? 咱们白面书生手无寸铁。
    What can we do? We are palefaced intellectuals with no weapons in our hands.
  2. 更让石破天耿耿于怀的是,宋英杰这个白面书生与本人的未婚妻春苗有过一段难以割舍的爱情!
    More let stone annoys, SongYingJie skyshatter is the white flour scholar and I fiancee ChunMiao had a hard of give love! ! ! ! !
  3. 而“小白脸”则是用来形容白面书生,现在常用来贬低那些依靠女人生活的男人。
    The "little white face" is used to describe the pale-faced scholar, and now often used to belittle those who depend on a woman living man.

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