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 琵琶演奏者 [pí pa yǎn zòu zhě添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 中国的琵琶演奏者和听众的思想也越来越开放,十年前吴曼与克诺斯四重奏一起在北京的演出曾经轰动一时。
    Pipa playersaudiences in China are also becoming more open minded; she caused excitement when she performed in Beijing with the Kronos Quartet ten years ago.
  2. 中国的琵琶演奏者和听众的思想也越来越开放,十年前吴曼与克诺斯四重奏一起在北京的演出曾经轰动一时。
    Pipa players and audiences in China are also becoming more open minded; she caused excitement when she performed in Beijing with the Kronos Quartet ten years ago.
  3. 中国的琵琶演奏者和听众的思想也越来越开放,十年前吴曼与克诺斯四重奏一起在北京的演出曾经轰动一时。
    Pipa players and audiences in China are also becoming more open minded; she caused (M) (exciting) when she performed in Beijing with the Kronos Quartet ten years ago.

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