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 火箭发射器 添加此单词到默认生词本
rocket launcher

  1. 韩国本周的演习使用了飞机,火箭发射器和大炮。演习在有争议的海上分界线附近的另一个岛屿——白翎岛进行。
    South Korea's drills this week involved aircraft, rocket launchers and artillery guns and took place off Baengnyeong Island, another territory near the disputed maritime border.
  2. 让机器冒烟、触发警笛、USB火箭发射器,再把国民防卫队叫来。
    Triggers the smoke machine, the siren, the USB rocket launcher, and calls in the national guard.
  3. 记者们在当地看到坦克、火箭发射器和油罐车,所有这些迹象都表明,卡扎非军队不会在阿吉达比耶停留很久。
    The reporters saw tanks, grad rocket launchers, and fuel tankers massing, all implying his pause at the Ajdabiya would not last for long.

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