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 浮心 [fú xīn添加此单词到默认生词本
[船] buoyant centre
centre of buoyancy
centre of displacement

  1. 许多储蓄在里的诗料,今晨在理发店里又上了来了。(郭沫若《白发》)
    Many long pent-up poetic emotion emerged again this morning at a hairdresser's.
  2. 许多储蓄在里的诗料,今晨在理发店里又上了来了。(郭沫若《白发》)
    Many materials of poem stored in mind recurred to me again in the barber's this morning.
  3. 将两者进行结合,可以计算出卧倒门的质浮心、转动惯量的变化,确定舱格设计是否合理,并得出其起卧状态。
    Otherwise, the routine calculation will make certain whether the cell design of dock gate is appropriate in the abstract and the state of rotation can be observed easily.

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