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 析气 [xī qì添加此单词到默认生词本
[物] gassing

  1. 介绍了钛合金微弧氧化时析气容积对其涂层性能的影响。
    The paper deals with the effect of separated out gas under titan-alloy micro arc oxidation on its coating character.
  2. 采用酸析气浮+分步厌氧+内循环SBR工艺处理苎麻脱胶废水。
    The treatment of ramee retting wastewater by using acid separation air floated+ fractional anaerobic+inner loop SBR process is studied.
  3. 测试并分了该合金的强度、塑性、硬度、恒流腐蚀及析气等特性。
    The tensile strength, toughness, hardness, constant current corrosion performances and gas evolution behavior were detected and analyzed.

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