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 有线电视系统 添加此单词到默认生词本
cable tv system

  1. 可以透过有线电视系统把它们和其它数以百计的组合视频信号一道传输出去。
    You can transmit them through a cable TV system along with hundreds of other composite signals.
  2. 电视系统有线电视系统到建筑物每层弱电竖井;预留卫星电视接收系统
    TV system: Community Antenna Television System and weak current silo are all installed in every building; Reserve enough room for installing Satellite Antenna Television System.
  3. 未来有线电视系统的经营,不仅关系到有线电视市场的成长,更关系到未来宽频网络发展趋势与跨业竞争等问题。
    The management of the forthcoming cable TV industry is thus dependent with the market growth, and moreover influences the wide band development and competition among industries.

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