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 旋转环 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] rotating ring

  1. 在一定的简化条件下,建立了描述熔体在旋转环隙内作非等温流动的数学模型。
    Under certain simplified conditions, a mathematical model for description of non—isothermal flow of polymer melts in rotating die annulus was established.
  2. 旋转环盘电极的研究表明,钼酸盐改善再钝化性能是由于形成铁的不溶性钼酸盐化合物所致。
    Studies on cyclic voltammetry of rotating ring-disk electrode indicated that molybdate improved the repassiveproperty by forming an insoluble molybdate compound.
  3. 有些处女享受洗碗时被人从后面袭击带来的喜悦,可能还会用到干衣机的旋转环来帮助他们的下半身震荡。
    Some Virgo's enjoy the thrill of being taken from behind while doing the dishes and may use the spin cycle on the dryer to help get those nether regions vibrating.

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