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 按计划 [àn jì huà添加此单词到默认生词本
on schedule

  1. 他们补充说,如果一切按计划进行,这宗收购可能最早在下个月就对外宣布。
    If everything goes to plan, the purchase could be announced as early as next month, they added.
  2. 要是你并非属于能够按计划睡眠的那一小部分人,那就尽可能的让入睡和苏醒时间保持在特定时间的一个小时之内吧。
    If you’re not one of the few who can arrange their schedule around sleep, do your best by keeping your sleep and wake times within an hour at each end.
  3. 所以我们奋力工作并尽力保障一切按计划进行--我们的计划而不是你们的计划--为着推进人类所需要的来完成这场跃变。
    So we are diligently working and attempting to keep everything on schedule –our schedule not yours –for the bringing forth of what is necessary for humanity to make this leap.

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