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 打电话请病假 添加此单词到默认生词本
call in sick

  1. 她老是打电话请病假的习惯令同事起疑。
    Her habit of always calling in sick raised many coworkers' eyebrows.
  2. 假如你觉得不舒服,你随时可以打电话请病假
    If you're not feeling well, you can always call in sick.
  3. 掌管马德里学校和医院的地区政府部门说,只有8%的工人离开岗位。他们中有少一半人要么是打电话请病假,要么就是在普通的日子因其他原因没来上班。
    Madrid's regional government, which runs schools and hospitals, said only 8% of workers stayed away. That is less than half those who call in sick, or find other reasons not to work, on a normal day.

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