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 成效显著 添加此单词到默认生词本
to achieve notable results
to achieve remarkable success

  1. 在该区域的其他国家,农民田间学校同样成效显著
    Farmer field schools have proved effective in other countries of the region, too.
  2. 为预报温室气体造成的全球气候变化,气象学家已经开发出成效显著的技术。
    Meteorologists have developed remarkably effective techniques for predicting global climate changes caused by greenhouse gases.
  3. 一些有创意的学校,包括波士顿试点方案的几个学校,使用特别补助为菜单改革提供资金,成效显著
    Some innovative schools — including a few in a Boston pilot program — have used special subsidies to bankroll menu changes and have seen good results.

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