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 微动磨损 [wēi dòng mó sǔn添加此单词到默认生词本
fretting wear

  1. 摘要钢丝间的微动磨损以及由此引起的钢丝的疲劳断裂是提升钢丝绳失效的主要原因之一。
    Fretting wear and its induced fatigue and fracture of wires was one of the major failure modes of the hoisting ropes.
  2. 结果表明,钢丝试样的微动磨损深度随着接触载荷和微动时间的增加而呈增长趋势,但由于接触面积和接触应力在微动磨损过程中随着接触载荷和微动时间的变化而变化,使磨损深度在不同磨损工况下增长趋势不同。
    A series of tests were performed on the self-made fretting wear test rig to examine the fretting wear of steels, by taking the wear depth of steel wires as a characterization parameter describing the fretting wear in relation to contact load and fretting time.The results demonstrates that the fretting wear depth increases with the increasing of the contact load and fretting time.

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