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 当前指令 [dāng qián zhǐ lìng添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] present instruction

  1. 这是在崩溃期间执行的当前指令
    It is the current instruction that has been executed during the time of crash.
  2. 有一个箭头指向当前指令,你可以像在源代码buffer中一样设置和清除断点。
    An overlay arrow points to the current instruction, and you can set and remove breakpoints as with the source buffer.
  3. 当前指令的微代码执行的时候,LOCK指令前缀把所有其他CPU关在外面,因此保证数据完整。
    The LOCK instruction prefix locks out all other CPUs while the microcode for the current instruction executes, thereby guaranteeing data integrity.

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