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 异构过程 添加此单词到默认生词本
isomate process

  1. 它们将经历一个称为互变异构过程
    They will undergo a process called tautomerization.
  2. 异构的基础结构、不同的过程,或公司安全边界获得的项目标准可能不一致或不同,这使得很难度量成功。
    Project metrics may be inconsistent or difficult to obtain from heterogeneous infrastructures, different processes, or company security boundaries, making it difficult to measure success.
  3. IBM还把许多商业公司客户邀请到讲台上,就如何实现新的跨各种异构it系统的业务关键过程,讲述类似的案例。
    IBM invited a number of brand name customers to the stage telling similar stories about implementing new business-critical processes across a variety of heterogenous it systems.

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