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 延迟爆炸 添加此单词到默认生词本
delayed blast

  1. 火箭是高度可定制的,允许你改变;推力,延迟爆炸之前,爆发力甚至爆炸本身的颜色。
    The Rocket is highly customizable, allowing you to change; thrust, delay before explosion, explosive force and even the colour of the explosion itself.
  2. 在5月,成都新厂发生的一起爆炸事件中,不止三位员工被夺去了生命,正因如此,苹果iPad的生产也被迫延迟
    In May an explosion at a new factory in Chengdu killed three more employees and, it is believed, caused delays in production of Apple's iPads.
  3. 光化学点火延迟时间随初始爆炸波后温度和压力的降低而增长。
    When the temperature and pressure behind incident shock wave decrease, the photochemical ignition delay times will increase.

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