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 干柴烈火 [gān chái liè huǒ添加此单词到默认生词本
(like) a blazing fire and dry wood
(like) a dry faggot on a blazing fire
like bundles of dry firewood -- a single spark will start a big fire

  1. 我是烈火中的利剑,干柴旁的守卫。
    I am the watcher near the dry wood.
  2. 我是烈火,也是干柴,我的一部分耗损着另一部分。
    I am the flame and I am the dry bush, and one part of me consumes the other part.
  3. 我是烈火,我是干柴,我的一部分耗损着另一部分。
    I am the flame and I am the dry bush , and one part of me consumes the other part .

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