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 常闭 [cháng bì添加此单词到默认生词本
normal close

  1. 根据触电状态的不同,继电器被分为开型,常闭型和开混合型。
    According to the state of the contact points, they are sorted into open type, closed type and combined type.
  2. 隔离继电器可以有多个铡刀,可以有常闭触点,也可以有开触点。
    An isolated relay can have more than one pole and can have normally closed contacts as well as normally open contacts.
  3. 支持门的报警点输入有”开”和”常闭”的设置.默认设置为”开”.
    Support Door Emergency Alarm Input to setup as “Normally Close”(NC) or “Normally Open”(NO) connection. Default is set as NO.

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