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 布衣 [bù yī添加此单词到默认生词本
cloth gown

  1. 虽然我们拥有了足够的生命点数,但是要知道我们仍然是布衣职业。
    Having lots of hit points is all well and good, but warlocks are still cloth.
  2. “紫娟”工坊是一家专业生产布衣包、礼品花、工艺包及手工饰品的综合性厂家。
    "Zi-Juan" Mania is a professional production Buyi package, gift flowers, handmade jewelry and packages of integrated manufacturers.
  3. 无论你贵为一国之君,或是布衣百姓,都会在各自不同的生活环境里遭受挫折、失败,这是人生的必修课。
    Whether you are for a country of your reign, or the commoner population, will be in their living environment, a different setbacks, failures, this is a compulsory course in life.

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