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 工艺学家 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 特别复杂的工艺流程是由金相学家设计,以准确达到他们的需要;例如日本武士刀,粗壮的轮毂,或飞机关键部件。
    Extremely complex schedules are drawn up by metallurgists to achieve exactly the properties they want; for the blades of fine Japanese swords to chunky wheel hubs or critical aircraft components.
  2. 珠宝专业人员的工作特色是实践完成一件珠宝所需要的工艺,而宝石学家的工作却是研究宝石的质地、特性和评估其价值。
    Jewelers typically do the handiwork required to produce a piece of jewelry, while gemologists study the quality, characteristics, and value of gem stones.
  3. 抗生素抗性基因可能是一个例外,生物工艺学家经常用它作为处理细菌中的DNA、识别它在植物细胞里的表现的"标记"。
    12 The one exception may turn out to be the antibiotic resistance genes that biotechnologists routinely use as "markers" for handling DNA in bacteria and identifying its presence in plant cells.

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