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 崖壁 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 洞顶崖壁上“三十六洞天”五个大字系近代著名书法家于右任的手笔。
    On the wall inside the cave carves “heaven cave” written by Wulin, a calligrapher in Song dynasty.
  2. 在一块巨大的崖壁上摩崖浮雕塑造一高达四十余米的释加佛像,崖面三分之二曾为壁画,现存部分极其珍贵。
    In a huge cliffs Cliff on the shape of a relief as much as 40 meters and the release statues, murals have two-thirds of cliff face, some of the existing extremely valuable.
  3. 底部有一终年不枯的泉眼,崖壁上若干小溶洞中,亦有泉水飞泄,桃花溪汇泉而成,溪水穿大酉洞注入酉阳河。
    He was not at the bottom of a litter of spring, a number of small cave on the cliffs, there springs fly China, Tao Huaxi Huiquan from, the river water through a hole into unitary Youyang River.

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