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 小片尺寸 添加此单词到默认生词本
chip size
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  1. AD9218 功能框图AD9218是一款双核10位单芯采样模数转换器(ADC),内置内采样保持电路,具有低成本、低功耗、尺寸和易于使用等特性。
    The AD9218 is a dual 10-bit monolithic sampling analog-to-digital converter with on-chip track-and-hold circuits. The product is low cost, low power, and is small and easy to use.
  2. 卡西米-内哈德说,通过采用奈米技术,科学家还能制造出体积更、运算速度更快、容量更大的晶,同时减电脑的尺寸
    Ghasemi-Nejhad said the nanotechnology field could allow for the building of ever smaller chips that would reduce the size and weight of computers while increasing their speed and memory.
  3. 陶瓷结合剂金刚石砂轮磨削金刚石复合的优点是磨削效率高、磨削的复合片尺寸一致性好、磨削噪音低、对磨床主轴的损害
    The advantage of using v-bond diamond grinding wheel to grind PDC is the higher grinding efficiency, the better uniformity of PDC size and grinding noise.

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