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 字体规范 添加此单词到默认生词本
font specification

  1. 美观规范字体还能满足学生的欣赏欲望。
    Appearance of the font specification can appreciate the desire to meet the needs of students.
  2. 此外,为了更精确地渲染,应用程序需要得到比字体规范所规定的位图文字更多的字体
    Moreover applications need access to more than just bitmaps in the fonts specifications for precise rendering.
  3. 国家人口和计划生育委员会在通知中指出,有些标语还出现了错字、书写不清楚、字体大小颜色和位置不规范等问题。
    The slogans sometimes are full of wrongly written words and are also poorly painted, with an unorderly design of character size, color, typeface and position, the commission said.

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