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 孔孟之道 [kǒng mèng zhī dào添加此单词到默认生词本
the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius

  1. 孟子的学说和孔子的学说一起,构成了后来深刻影响中国文化两千多年的儒家思想的核心内容,被称为“ 孔孟之道”。
    Theory of Mencius and theory of Confucius constituted the key content of the theory of the Confucian school , which had deeply affected Chinese culture for 2000 years .
  2. 传统的地主权威的崩溃,削弱了封建的孔孟之道、根深蒂固的宿命论以及对神佛、偶像和妖巫的迷信。
    The breakdown of traditional landlord authority weakened the landlord ethic of Confucianism, the age-old beliefs in fate and superstitious beliefs in Buddhas, idols and witches.
  3. 孔孟之道崇尚礼仪,要求人们在社交活动中言语适度,不可妄言或者信口开河,不着边际。
    The way of Confucius and Mencius advocation etiquette, requests the people the spoken language to be moderate in the social activity, may not the wild talk or talks irresponsibly, is irrelevant.

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