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 大杯饮料 添加此单词到默认生词本
long drink

  1. 套餐附的汤和大杯饮料
    The drink and soup that came with a meal.
  2. 那个人是去哪 拿那个大杯粉红色的饮料
    Where'd that guy get the big, pink drink?
  3. 这种刺激灵感的契机可以包括点燃蜡烛,清除某块油渍,播放轻音乐,泡茶或者是提供大杯饮料等等事情。
    These triggers can include things such as lighting a candle, using an oil diffuser to give off a particular scent, playing soft music, making tea and serving it in a particular mug, and so on.

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