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 多误差 [duō wù chā添加此单词到默认生词本
multiple error

  1. 其次它近似计算比较误差大。
    The second, there is much approximate calculation and the error will be accumulated.
  2. 试验数据表明,数据融合后时钟同步算法中的误差累积得到明显降低。
    Experimental results suggest that the multi-hop error accumulation of the clock synchronization algorithm is reduced after data fusion.
  3. 当雷达在低仰角跟踪时,降低误差的阵列天线波束的形成技术,可消除或降低低仰角跟踪目标时的测量误差
    During radar tracking target in low elevation, the measuring error of tracked target was removed or reduced with array antenna beam forming technique that can reduce the multi-path error.

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