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 外支架 添加此单词到默认生词本
[航] outer support

  1. 在欧胡岛的向风海岸,划桨手们用熟练的划船技巧划动有弦外支架的轻舟。
    Paddlers perfect their racing strokes in an outrigger canoe off Oahu's windward coast.
  2. 目的:比较上尿路取石术后置内支架引流与外支架引流的优劣。
    Purpose:To assess the advantage of urine drainage by double J ureteral stent or by percutaneous indwelling stent for upper urinary lithotomy.
  3. 结论非限制性涤纶血管外支架可以显著抑制大隐静脉移植血管新内膜及中膜增生,可能预防大隐静脉移植血管的再狭窄。
    Conclusion External non-restrictive polyester stent can significantly inhibit neointimal formation and medial thickening, and may prevent late vein grafts restenosis.

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