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 坐骨结节 添加此单词到默认生词本
ischial tuberosity

  1. 目的探讨坐骨结节囊肿的CT表现及CT扫描的诊断价值。
    Objective To explore the manifestation of cyst of ischial tuberosity on ct scan and its diagnostic value.
  2. 方法回顾性分析12例经手术及病理证实的坐骨结节囊肿的CT表现。
    Methods The ct manifestation of 12 cases of cyst of ischial tuberosity confirmed by both surgery and pathology were studied retrospectively.
  3. 目的探讨少年舞蹈体操学员髋关节与骶髂关节及坐骨结节骨骺损伤情况。
    Objective To investigate the injuries of the hip joint, sacroiliac (SI) joint and the epiphysis of ischial tuberosity in young dancers.

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