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 地震道 添加此单词到默认生词本
[地震] seismic trace
[地震] seismic channel

  1. 该方法为约束反演时,通过横向外推获得无井地震道的约束条件提供了更加精确的方法。
    This method can be used to the extrapolation for the constraints in seismic inversion with logging data or other processing, such as the signal noise separation approach.
  2. 采用的算法是基于通讯理论的频率域递推公式,这是目前在完全弹性介质中合成地震道的最快算法之一。
    The frequency domain recursive algorithm based on communication theory is used, it is one of the fastest algorithms for synthesizing the seismic traces in full elastic medium.
  3. 此外,在模型上加上地震道积分信息,使模型融入了更加丰富的地震信息,从而提高建模精度和反演质量。
    Furthermore, seismic channel integral information added into the model makes our model contain richer seismic information, thus improving modeling precision and inversion quality.

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