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 地转运动 [dì zhuǎn yùn dòng添加此单词到默认生词本
[气象] geostrophic motion

  1. 本文旨在对球流体准地转运动的非线性稳定性问题进行研究,全文分为三个部分。
    This thesis aims to study the nonlinear stability of quasi-geostrophic flow. This paper is divided into three parts.
  2. 径流造成岸边水体堆积及形成低密度海水,由于地转效应,海水西向运动
    The runoff causes the low-density water piling along the coast; and the Coriolis effect makes the water flow to the west.
  3. 在第一部分中,我们简述了准地转运动非线性稳定性的研究背景及一些预备知识。
    In the first part, we present the research background of nonlinear stability of quasi-geostrophic flow and some preliminary knowledge.

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