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 叶栅理论 添加此单词到默认生词本
cascade theory

  1. 本文旨在为有限元法及其它变分解法提供又一新的完善的理论基础,也为新叶栅的分析、设计和优化以及老叶栅的改型提供一系列新途径。
    It is intended to render a new sound theoretical basis for FEM and other variational methods and a series of new ways for blade design and modification.
  2. 论证了利用大系统理论建立适合平面叶栅气动设计计算优化方法的可行性,旨在为气动设计提供一种新的优化方法。
    It is showed that a new viewpoint of theory of large scale systems is suited for optimal calculating design of cascades.
  3. 通过理论分析提出一种考虑片端部间隙影响的片力亏损模型,并对三种轴流压气机叶栅的端壁边界层及片力亏损进行了数值计算。
    A new model is presented for calculating the end-wall boundary layer and its blade force defect inside the axial compressor cascade, based on theoretical analysis.

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