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 右心室 添加此单词到默认生词本
ventriculus dexter
right ventricle

  1. 这些反应导致了肺动脉高压并心室肥厚-一种致命性疾病。
    This response results in pulmonary hypertension with right entricular hypertrophy, a lethal disease.
  2. 在手术前、早期手术前及手术后6个月患者接受心脏磁共振成像检查,以评价心室功能。
    Patients underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imagine for assessment of RV function preoperatively, early postoperatively, and at 6 months after surgery.
  3. 导管接着后退进入心室,随着第一片定位在左心室壁上,连接轴填充心脏破裂所形成的缺损。
    The catheter is then withdrawn back into the right entricle, with the first disc positioned against the left entricular wall and the connecting shaft filling the hole created by the rupture.

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