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double play
twin killing

  1. 老虎队有一球员占一垒,一人出局,可是下一个击球手击出一球被
    The Tigers had a man on first base with one out, but the next batter hit into a double play.
  2. 当他操控自如时,就可随意制造,大联盟打者只能被他的一流绝招耍弄。
    When he is on, he can command a double play at will, and Major League hitters look foolish topping his pitches.
  3. “有时你是有感觉的”吉叔在赛后说“他的下沉球很棒,他让对手打出4次打–当他状况好的时候,他就是那一型的投手啊!”
    "Sometimes you have a feeling," Girardi said after the game. "His sinker was great. He got four double plays - that's the type of pitcher he is when he is on."

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